We are a student-run group focused on teaching students design-by-doing— through projects, competitions, and collaborations. We serve as a support for students who want to realize their ideas and a skill development resource for anyone interested in design.

If you want to build something or are looking for design experience, this is the place for you. We have resources and projects for long-time designers and those who are interested but haven't done design engineering before.

Have an idea? Start a project!

Want to do a design competition or develop a product? Check out the info on our Projects page to get started, find resources, and connect with people who might be interested too.

Join the Slack!

Slack is where all announcements, planning, and design happens for ADL. If you're just looking around, have a question, or are trying to get involved, hop on by clicking the button below. 

Follow us on Instagram

Meeting announcements, events, projects--all the fun stuff will be posted @analogue.design.lab on Instagram! Follow us to see what we're up to and get connected.


Any current projects are listed on the Projects page. If you don't see something you like or have an idea and (hopefully) a group of people, you can propose a project there too. If you don't have a team yet, don't worry! Reach out on Slack in #general to see if people are interested.